Who Do YOU Count On?

At AmeriPride, Canadian Linen & Uniform, and Quebec Linge, everything we do is centered around the idea of being the 'People You Can Count On'. In the spirit of this, throughout the month of May, we will be celebrating our relationships with customers like you by recognizing and honoring those people in our communities who make is such a special place to live and work.

We want to hear who YOU count on in your community.

Every submission received will result in a $25 donation to Feeding America and Food Banks Canada. Please share your stories and join us in the fight against hunger in your community.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lisa Houston is the principal of Centerville School and a mother to 265 students,

Lisa Houston is the principal of Centerville School and a mother to 265 students, she is the most giving person I know. If a little one has a ache or pain she always makes it feel better, and they only want Mrs. Houston too comfort them,they adore her.

Our little town of Centerville has a very small elementary school, the school district busses in children from nearby Sanger to make a full student body. Lisa is motivated and very inspiring.

Our school motto is "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfull, commited people can change the world.” That is Lisa all rolled up in one phrase.
She is always the first to rally the troupes, teachers, parents and PTA, when she hears someone is in need.
For Easter Lisa found out one of our students could not go on a family vacation, not enough seat belts in their car, so getting a collection together was just the next step, that little girl was overwhelmed when two over filled baskets with toy’s clothes and Easter goodies appeared on their door step.

Lisa Houston is always their to lend a helping hand regardless if it’s Christmas, Thanksgiving, or the simple fact there’s is a need .There is no doubt that the successes that Centerville school has accomplished over the past years should be attributed to students, parents, teachers, and administration, but catalyst of that success rest square on the shoulders of Lisa Houston.

- Judy Munsey
Sanger, CA

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